Saturday, December 12, 2009

A photo from China

I have been busy at learning html and css codes for web pages and putting the portfolio together. These days I went through a lot of photos I took during my newspaper job and overseas trips.

One of photos I like is the one I took four years ago in China. A local man sang a folk song in front of the passengers during a boat ride. One passenger went beside him to take photos.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Fall enjoyment

This fall has been pretty wet and rained a lot.
When it's a sunny day, people tend to enjoy it as much as they can.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Northside 1

The neighborhood I live used to be an Italian community. In the past two decades, it's gradually become a popular spot for resettling refugees. The Burmese children riding their bikes on streets are the most common scenes here now.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Tea Time

After the lunch, it's time to have a few cups of tea. No matter how the life is going, let's have some tea. Relax and lighten the mood and the body.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


I often walk around my neighborhood. To keep myself in a good shape for hiking, I walk uphill on this sidewalk several times a day and always look at this drawing with a smile. What a cute imagination the painter had!