Saturday, March 28, 2015

空邦魯-Kompong Phhluk (2)

During the rainy season, the level of water at the Tonle Sap goes high and floods the nearby villages. Kompong Phhluk therefore becomes a floating village, and the villagers have to get on boats when they get out of their houses. In March when we visited this lovely place, it's the dry season, so the level of water at the lake and rivers was very low.

When Kompong Phhluk is not blooded, the villagers can walk on the streets, and the kids are able to play outside. We were later told that this place would be more beautiful when the whole village is floating on water. Even though it's dry then, we still think it's worthy to pay a visit there just to see how people can live their lives in a very simple way. Besides, the sunset on the Tonle Sap was beautiful.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

空邦魯-Kompong Phhluk (1)

We took a six-hour bus ride from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap. After getting there at night, we were exhausted a lot because of the tough road condition and decided to rest one day before the start of exploring the ancient temples in Angkor Wat. On the next day, the guest house where we stayed arranged for us a group tour to Kompong Phhluk in a good deal.

Kompong Phhluk is a floating village on the Tonle Sap, the largest lake in Southeast Asia. It took one hour to get there from Siem Reap. Around 2000 families live in this fishing village, where they built their houses high with woods and palm leaves. The residents there make their living from fishing on the Tonle Sap. Life is very simple and basic.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

金邊-Phnom Penh


Recently a friend and I visited Cambodia for the first time. We flew to its largest city and the capital, Phnom Penh, where the streets are full of motor bikers and tuk tuk drivers. Even though very few traffic signals and stop signs are seen on the streets, drivers go through the intersections without any difficulty.

Because the guest house we stayed is near the riverside, I was able to have a walk there in the morning and sit there watching the locals and foreigners coming and going at night. The river is often seen with several small boats, where dwell the poorest level of the residents. Although the city didn't impress me too much, I like the friendliness and kindness of the people there.