Friday, July 29, 2011

Siwa-Sand Sea

Siwa Oasis is in Egypt's Western Desert, where we joined a desert safari tour to see the beautiful sand dunes and the sunset. The driver of the four-wheel vehicle brought us (two plus a Korean girl) to this vast sand sea. We did downhhill sandbording and then went to see the cold and hot springs.

Our driver, a nice guy, cooked Siwa tea for us when we took a break at the azure-colored cold spring spot. We had a wonderful time until I was hit by this crazy driver's car. When I was away from the group to take photos of the sand dunes. He drove the other two and disappeared. Then his car appeared again, approached me and hit me directly. We had to rush back to the hotel to put ice for stopping some internal bleeding which caused the big swollen on my leg, hand and lip. I was shocked by what happened and still couldn't figure out why he did this to me. A joke? After this incident, I continued the journey in Egypt with my injuries.

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