Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Lost & Found

My dear friend, Faris, has been with me since 2010. From escaping from a war in Syria to Jordan and then going through the complicated process of immigration for animals to Taiwan, we have built a profound and strong bond between us. When he disappeared from our house ten days ago, I was very upset about losing him. I searched for him on streets and parks and posted lost cat posters throughout the neighborhood. 

After knowing some tips from the Internet about the search of a missing cat, I went out to the streets before the midnight and called his name. Luckily, I just walked a block from home and heard his meow meow response behind a bush. Then he came out and showed his joy of seeing me by waging his tail. He lost some weight from not having food for six days. I was very happy to see him alive and uninjured even though he is a trouble maker. Nothing is more precious than being able to hug my sweetheart again. Welcome home, my dear.

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